Bruxelles Environnement


Avenue du Port 86C, Bruxelles, Belgique


02 536 41 63

Brussels Environment is the public institution that assumes a wide range of responsibilities in environmental, animal welfare and energy policy.

Brussels Environment prepares and implements the policy of the Brussels-Capital Region in areas related to the environment. As a result, the administration implements the relevant legislation (granting permits and approvals, controls), plans the various themes (waste plan, water plan, climate plan, noise plan, etc.), monitors the quality of the environment and the achievement of environmental objectives (state of the environment), follows the transposition of European directives and stimulates behavior favorable to the environment both at the level of citizens and businesses (label, calls for projects, bonuses, advice, training).

At the source of regional policies on the circular economy, Brussels Environment plays a major role in creating favorable conditions for circular entrepreneurial activities to flourish in the Region.