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Chaussée de Mons, 95 - 1070 Anderlecht


Founded in Brussels in 2018, Konligo is a spin-off of the VUB (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) that designs pop-up structures for all types of events, both indoors and outdoors.

Products & Services

Konligo offers a wide range of products: domes, stages, and umbrella structures suitable for any type of event; they are easy to store, quick to set up and endlessly reusable.

These structures are constructed from recycled aluminium and assembled in Brussels. They have the advantage of being reusable but also very compact. Thanks to the developed technology, they can be deployed quickly and easily to achieve innovative, remarkable and durable structures. The fact that they are reusable guarantees real savings in terms of set-up time, waste generation, and costs.


Emerging from the VUB laboratories, Konligo possesses unique expertise in the design of scissor structures, the result of over 15 years of research into lightweight and transformable structures. To support its strategic innovation plan for the next three years, Konligo was awarded the Innovative Starter Award by Innoviris in 2023.

Watch the Konligo presentatie


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