In Belgium

All circlemade members have access to a series of services designed to support their development.

Circlemade's services

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  •  Connecting members to create a community and a relationship of trust;
  • Helping to set up joint projects;
  • Putting members in touch with potential partners or clients.
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Sharing knowledge

Awareness-raising, information, exchanges and training on a range of topics related to entrepreneurship, industrialization, innovation and sustainability, through workshops and masterclasses.

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  • Personalised sector-specific advice;
  • Access to hub expertise (legal, financial, tax, etc.);
  • Access to specific consultancy.
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  • Highlight the expertise of member companies through the website;
  • Promote the activities and projects through the newsletter and social networks;
  • Invite companies to trade fairs and seminars.

Are you interested in these services and have you developed a circular product or service offering?